Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sailing before the Flight

The Summer is coming to a close and the first hints of a North West swell are in the forecast. What an amazing summer it has been! Just before I went surf trippin in Indo, I had some memorable adventures in Sea Peace. I sailed solo down to Turtle Bay on August 17th. Willie and Somer cruised around in his boat, while I hung closer to the shoreline and brought in two Papio by the time I parked the boat for the evening. Catching fish in the sailboat is so exciting. You seriously have to multi-task; steering the rudder, controlling the sail, reeling in the fish, staying off the reef and away from rocks. Intensely fun! Can't wait to do it again!

The day before my flight, Somer, Willie, Roxanne and I rallied together on a mission to sail Sea Peace out to the Mokulua Islands on the east side. Quite a mission loading up all the gear and driving out to the Moks. We narrowly missed some protruding coral heads on the way out. And upon almost beaching the boat I had the urge to ride some waves. Willie wanted no part of this thrill ride as we just saw a 4 man canoe flip over trying to ride a wave. It was quite funny seeing Captain One Eyed Whisky Willie squirming in his trunks. I swung out anyways and tried for a couple, but it was a safe option to just save the wave action for a better day. We beached the boat, frolicked in the surf on Willie's long board, and tromped around the island. I soaked up the last minutes I was spending with my sister before we journeyed on our different island paths. Looking back, it has been a pretty bleak summer in terms of surf, but to be honest, that didn't phase me. It put things in perspective and gave me time to focus on other things I love to do in life.

For now, Sea Peace is tucked into her bed on the side of the house, but the swell doesn't hit till Sunday and it's beautifully flat right now with some brisk trades, Willie's been out catching something everyday, and it's a been over a month since I've caught a fish. I need to get back out there!


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