Thursday, July 8, 2010

Kahuku Paddle

We explored some new coastline today and took advantage of the lighter than normal tradewinds. Ryan, Becky, Willie, and I stand up paddled from Malaekahana to Kawela Bay. It's about an 8 mile paddle and the cool part is the coastline is pretty much desolate. The adventure stated out a bit sketchy as I was trying out SUP fishing. I attached a lure and 20 feet of line to the back of my board. The allure of surfing was too much. I couldn't resist the urge to catch some waves and after a wipeout that threw me off the board and sent it in towards shore, I realized my fishing lure was a sharp leash I did not want to be attached too. After a long clumsy swim trying not to lose my hat and paddle, I reconfigured my fishing setup.

Several wipeouts later, my lure setup was gone. Somewhat of a relief, now I was free to surf without the fear of hooking myself. We surfed a couple spots and scored some super long rides. Becky and Ryan had their fair share of crazy moments. Becky lost her shades, Ryan lost his board to the rocks near shore which made for a difficult retrieval, Becky got drydocked on a lone rock 300 yards from shore and had the blood wounds to prove it. Willie on the other hand, came out unscathed with sailor like style.

Beautiful stretch of coast. It was great exploring a new area andonly seeing a handful of fisherman and a lone kayaker along the way. Unfortunately, the desolate beaches of Oahu usually have many remnants of society. I went ashore to investigate a Green Sea Turtle Nest and filled my pockets with plastics from around the area. Typical for the east side, with prevailing tradewinds that blow it all to shore. Amongst the rubbish I did find a gem in my eyes, an Opihi shell. So far I have explored 18 miles of the North and East Shores and I have about 140 miles of Oahu coastline left to see by sea. Cannot think of a better way to sea peace in Hawaii.

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